Adapting to the Future of Healthcare
Through SQL Server Acceleration

Nitrosphere’s SQL Server Acceleration allows organizations in the healthcare industry the ability to improve patient satisfaction without sacrificing security.

The pandemic has put strain on many networks. The healthcare and life science industries, in particular, have upgraded their infrastructures to allow them to collaborate and make data driven operational decisions. The industry faces constant regulatory change, escalating pressure to control costs and an increasingly complex competitive landscape. To adapt in this dynamic environment, organizations must be able to quickly access and manage data from a growing number of locations while maintaining security to adhere to regulations.

Nitrosphere’s Network Acceleration Software, NitroAccelerator, is enabling near real-time server replication and improving client-server application performance while decreasing SQL Server, SMB, and .NET Remoting connection bandwidth usage.

Scientific Research & Logistics

Pharma, biotech and other organizations in the life sciences industry benefit from Nitrosphere’s acceleration to improve data availability across multiple geographically separated locations. This results in leaner supply chain coordination and up-to-date patient data transfers relying on Transaction Replication & SMB Windows File Transfers.

Patient Relationship Management

Healthcare organizations using SQL Server Applications experience improved application load time and user experience. From B2B all the way down to individual patient data management, Nitrosphere users report significant reductions in latency. NitroAccelerator empowers healthcare organizations to focus on their patients instead of waiting on application load and sync times.

A recent customer sent us a screenshot of the first 7 days of their NitroAccelerator test data. Taking only the initial SQL Server connections into account, they estimate to reduce their bandwidth usage by around 12TB per year.

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